Espalier or fan trees are used against a wall; you will need not less than 180 x 180cm’s for a fan or espalier tree. Please note we do not supply ready trained trees; this Winter Gem is a young tree suitable for training yourself, in situ. Such trees usually settle to cropping within 2 or 3 seasons.
Winter Gem is an outstanding recently introduced garden apple, of Cox’s parentage. Highly recommended as a late storing variety.
Winter Gem apple tree – Season:
A late storing variety, pick mid-late October, use from storage right into the Spring.
Winter Gem – appearance:
A very pretty apple, pale green/yellow blushed with rosy pink.
Winter Gem apple trees – flavour:
Exquisitely flavoured. Scented, complex, rich and aromatic.
A dessert apple that also juices well. Good for table decoration.
Cropping & Growth
Medium vigour, generally trouble free.
Winter Gem Apple Trees - Pollination: Pollination group ‘B’ partner with any varieties in the same or adjacent groups. Here are some suggested varieties:
Red Falstaff
Cox's Orange Pippin
Laxtons Superb
James Grieve