Violetta dwarf plum tree


out of 71 ratings

Violetta dwarf plum tree
Beautiful violet purple egg-shaped fruits may be enjoyed as dessert [or cooked with] at the turn of July and August. Really excellent flavour; a good, hardy and disease resistant tree, this new variety has done very well in trials and has a promising

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This tree is grown on dwarf Pixy stock which is compact and makes the smallest Plum tree of all. Trees can be maintained at around 180cm’s in height with a similar spread, perhaps a little less if contained in a 20-24”” pot. The trees are easy to manage and easy to harvest with no ladders required.

Violetta is a new North European variety with some very fine attaributes. It is very frost hardy and does not reequire a polinator to produce an abundant crop. Dessert or dual purpose. A very abundant cropper and reliable in all areas.

Violetta plum tree – season

Late July to early August ripening.

Violetta Plum – appearance & flavour

Beautiful, oval dusky violet purple throughout. Inside greenish-yellow, juicy, well flavoured and ideal for all purpose.

Violetta – pollination

No pollinators are required to produce the beautiful fruit.


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