Sunburst fan trained cherry tree


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Sunburst fan trained cherry tree
Sunburst has everything; precocious cropping nature, blossom that is self fertile [no need for other trees] a great flavour and stunning-looking fruits.

Currently the most popular of all.

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Fan trained Cherry trees are used against a wall; you will need not less than 180 x 180cm’s for a fan tree. Please note we do not supply ready trained trees; this Sunburst cherry is a young tree suitable for training yourself, in situ. Such trees usually settle to cropping within 2 or 3 seasons. Dessert Cherries will usually require a sunny south or west facing aspect; the cooking variety ‘Morello’ can be used to utilize a less promising North or East facing aspect.

Currently the most popular variety for amateur growers. It was at the time of it’s release, the first sweet black cherry that was self fertile and it reamains a benchmark against which others in this class are measured.

The large, black, juicy fruits have a superb flavour and the crop is heavy. The growth habit is similar to Stella and is easy to manage. Ripening in early July, an ideal variety for garden culture. Good split resistance, very impressive yields can be achieved with this variety. The number one choice for a slef fertile black cherry tree.

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