Redsleeves apple tree


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Redsleeves apple tree
One of our favourite apple varieties is 'Redsleeves' - it's certainly one of the best earlies and an all-round first rate variety.

It's pretty gleaming red fruits last a long time, although you can enjoy them from mid August they keep far longer than most earlies and have a nice crispy bite and a sweet juicy flavour.

A very easy to manage tree that is naturally quite compact, the flowers are self fertile so you don't need to worry about pollination from other trees. It is itself a good pollinator for other varieties too.

Excellent disease resistance.

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An excellent EMRS Kent introduction, 1986 from an un-named scab resistant seedling. Redsleeves is in many ways the perfect garden apple and has been a popular variety. It is naturally small growing, largely disease-free, self fertile and attractive. A good variety for the inexperienced. It is an early ripening rosy red apple.

Redsleeves tree – Season:

Although early [start to pick mid August] has good keeping qualities, especially for an early. Can still be enjoyed at the end of September and sometimes beyond.

Redsleeves – appearance:

Small to medium sized, slightly flattened, rosy red throughout with just a small green-gold base.

Redsleeves apple trees – flavour:

Crisp, juicy, sweet and refreshing.


A dessert apple and also good for table decoration.

Cropping & Growth

A small and compact tree with an excellent health record and frost resistant blossom.

Redsleeves - Pollination: This variety is self fertile so needs no pollinating partners and is ideal for the one tree garden or patio. Redsleeves is in pollination group ‘B’ and can act as a good pollinator for varieties in the same or adjacent groups.

Tree sizes for Redsleeves:

M27 is a miniature stock, ideal for very small gardens, pots on the patio etc. Grows to around 180cm’s. Good hearty soil is preferred.

M9 is classed as dwarfing and a good intermediate stock. Matures to 200cm’s plus with a similar spread. M9 is heavy cropping and promotes larger fruits, but needs permanent staking and good soil.

M26 stock Is classed as semi-dwarfing. Does well on poorer soil. Reaches 300cm’s+ with the same spread.

MM106 is vigorous and the best choice for where a larger ‘orchard sized’ tree is required. Grows 4m+ with the same spread and suitable for most soils.

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