Louise Bonne de Jersey fan espalier pear


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Louise Bonne de Jersey fan espalier pear
Nicely coloured and nicely flavouired fruits ripening during the second-early season. Makes a tidy, well foliated tree with nice blossom.

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Louise Bonne de Jersey fan espalier pear

Louise Bonne de Jersey Pear Trees for sale

Espalier or fan Pear trees are used against a wall; you will need not less than 180 x 180cm’s for a fan or espalier tree. Please note we do not supply ready trained trees; this Louise Bonne de Jersey is a young tree suitable for training yourself, in situ. Such trees usually settle to cropping within 2 or 3 seasons.

This is a second early in season, this popular choice makes an attractive, upright, well foliated tree with fruits nicely coloured.

Louise Bonne de Jersey Pear Tree – season

Mid September to early-mid October. Wait until the fruits have coloured well and will part from the tree easily before picking.

Louise Bonne de Jersey Pear – appearance

Traditional Pear shape, green/yellow smooth skinned and shinyl, the sunny side has a bold vermillion flush.


When eaten at the correct stage is one of the finest Pears of all, tender and divinely sweet & juicy..

Louise Bonne de Jersey Pear – Pollination

This variety belongs to the ‘A’ pollination group so will partner well with others in the same or adjacent groups.

Here are some suggested varieties:



Packhams Triumph

Beurre Hardy


Tree sizes for Louise Bonne de Jersey Pear trees:

Quince C rootstock

Is the most compact stock generally used for Pears. It can be maintained at an easily harvested 180-260cm’s and can be planted around 150-180cm’s apart. Quince ‘C’ is easily the most satisfactory rootstock for garden use and can even be incorporated into a large – say 24” – container and kept on the patio. Such trees may be restricted below the 180cm mark.

Quince A rootstock

Is more vigorous than Quince ‘C’ and is ideal for orchard planting, grassy area’s and the larger border. It will grow to 250-350cm’s and should be planted not less than 250cm’s apart. A heavy cropping tree suitable for most good soils and situations.

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