Lapins cherry tree


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Lapins cherry tree
Large, sweet dark red fruits and a self pollinating nature have made this a popular garden choice over the last few years...

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Lapins is one of the most popular garden varieties because it is easy to grow, has good quality mild, sweet fruits and is self fertile so you don’t need any other varieties to produce the good crops. Lapins seems to have a somewhat naturally compact habit which can also be an advantage in the garden.

The fruits ripen mid season and are medium to dark red in colour. Lapins is self pollinating, no partner trees are required. Also a good polinating tree for other cherry varieties.

Tree sizes for Lapins cherry trees:

Colt is a semi-vigorous tree, ideal for orchard planting, grassy areas, paddock or larger lawn. It can grow to 300cm’s+ in height – and width, but is fairly adaptable and can be controlled It is the best stock for bush growing, fan training, or festooning. More tolerant of poorer soils, although these should always be improved for best results.

Gisele 5 stock This is the revolutionary new dwarfing stock for cherries which has made the cultivation of these delicious fruits on the patio, in containers, or the fruit cage a realistic possiblity at last. Gisele 5 is easily maintained at around 180cm’s in height and width, even a little less in a container. This stock is more precocious than the more vigorous older rootstocks. Ideal for bush growing, or as a column, but not really suited to fan training. Best with good soil conditions.

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