Katy stepover tree


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Katy stepover tree
Katy is a good second early variety and well suited to frosty areas as well as being generally easy to grow. The brilliant red fruits have a good flavour and are fit from Mid September.

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Stepover trees are used primarily for edging a border or pathway or to divide the kitche/vegetable garden. These very tiny trees are just 18” in height with two side laterals from the main stem forming a capital ‘T’ shape. The stepover tree is an ormamental addition to your garden and these trees are grown on the smallest avaailable rootstock, M27. Plant 120-150cm’s apart. Syn Katja. Swedish raised in the 1940’s from a Worcester x James Grieve cross. A very popular garden variety that suits all area’s including the North. Katy Apple stepover tree – Season: Katy can be harvested in early September and keeps well, for an early, may be used into October. Katy - appearance: Broadly conical with white inner flesh and a shiny deep maroon red skin colour almost obliterating the base colour. Katy apple trees – flavour: Sweet and fruity with a slight hint of strawberries but has retained a little of the balancing acidity of James Grieve. Uses: For dessert use and also juicing. Cropping & Growth Vigorous and healthy. A good cropper and frost hardy. Katy - Pollination: ‘B’ pollination group, use varieties with the same or adjacent groups to pollinate successfully. Here are some suggested varieties: Greensleeves James Grieve Crimson Queening Arthur Turner Cox's Orange Pippin

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