Greensleeves stepover tree


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Greensleeves stepover tree
Self fertile, hardy and trouble free variety for garden use. The crisp, juicy fruits ripen late September for use through to November. Easy to grow.

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Stepover trees are used primarily for edging a border or pathway or to divide the kitche/vegetable garden. These very tiny trees are just 18” in height with two side laterals from the main stem forming a capital ‘T’ shape. The stepover tree is an ormamental addition to your garden and these trees are grown on the smallest avaailable rootstock, M27. Plant 120-150cm’s apart Greensleeves is one of the best and most popular garden apple trees; Greensleeves was introduced in 1977 from EMRS in Kent, and is a cross between James Grieve x Golden Delicious. In character it resembles a better version of the latter. Greensleeves stepover Apple tree – Season: Harvest late September, can be used through to late November. Greensleeves Apple - appearance: Medium sized, pale green ripening to pale yellow with usually no other coloration. Greensleeves apple trees – flavour: Very crisp, juicy, sweet yet refreshing. Uses: Mostly favoured for dessert use but can be cooked with and useful for open flans where appearance of the sliced fruit is important. Cropping & Growth Medium vigour, heavily cropping and trouble free. Greensleeves - Pollination: Greensleeves is self fertile so useful for one-tree gardens. It is ‘B’ Pollination group, and is an excellent pollinator for other varieties in the same or adjacent groups.

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