Cordon Apple trees are a good choice for restricted areas and a fence or wall. They can be grown at a 45degree angle, or upright. The rootstock we use for our cordon is M9 which is the best stock for cordon trees. Plant 60-80cm’s apart.
Empire is an American apple, and very popular there. Raised 1945. Sometimes seen for sale in supermarkets here, a very handsome deeply lacquered red apple.
Empire cordon Apple tree – Season:
Pick from the tree in early-mid Octrober; will store until January or longer.
Empire Apple - appearance:
A moderately sized handsome apple almost entirely covered by a dark wine red shiny flush.
Empire apple trees – flavour:
Very sweet, mild, vinous. Juicy texture crisp at first, becomes softer.
A classic dessert apple.
Cropping & Growth
Medium vigour, heavily cropping.
Empire - Pollination: ‘B’ Pollination group, so use varieties with the same or adjacent pollinating prefixes. Here are some good suggestions:
Egremont Russet
Crimson Queening
Arthur Turner
Cox's Orange Pippin