Espalier or fan Pear trees are used against a wall; you will need not less than 180 x 180cm’s for a fan or espalier tree. Please note we do not supply ready trained trees; this Durondeau is a young tree suitable for training yourself, in situ. Such trees usually settle to cropping within 2 or 3 seasons.
A variety popular as one of the small group of self fertile or partially self fertile Pear trees for the garden. However it could not be termed as the best for the purpose; although some fruits will be borne on lone trees the yield will benefit from the presence of other trees. Plus the growth of Durondeau is fairly weak and is best suited to good soils. That said, Durondeau certainly has it’s attributes, it is a beautiful Pear in fruit, the autumn foliage colour is a splendid dark red – most attractive – and it has a very good flavour. Druondeau was Belgium raised, in 1811.
Durondeau fan espalier Pear Tree – season
Suitable for use through October and November.
Durondeau Pear – appearance
A large Pear usually covered by a fine golden russet, often blended with a rusty red cheek.
Very good, sweet, tender and juicy, just a little underlying acidity gives a well rounded flavour.
Durondeau Pear – Pollination
Durondeau is partially self fertile so does need any other varieties to pollinate. It is itself in group ‘B’ so can be used to pollinate any varieties in the same or radjacent groups & these varieties can also be used to maximise the crop of Durondeau.