Concorde Pear cordon


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Concorde Pear cordon
A 'new' garden Pear that is already the most popular for planting everywhere.

Concorde is frost resistant, self fertile and a reliable cropper.

Season Spetember.

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Cordon Pear trees are a good choice for restricted areas and a fence or wall. They can be grown at a 45degree angle, or upright. The rootstock we use for our cordon Concorde is Quince C which is the best stock for cordon trees. Plant 60-80cm’s apart.

Concorde is one of the most important Pear tree introductions for decades and is already one of the most popular varieties for the garden, or orchard and suits all growing applicactions. Concorde tends to make quite a compact tree, it is easy to manage, frost hardy and a reliable setter of good quality fruits. One of the best varieties for container growing on Quince ‘C’ stock.

Concorde cordon Pear Tree – season

Can be harvested for use late September-November.

Concorde Pear – appearance

Medium sized elongated and the skin mostly covered in a pale golden russet over pale green.


Mild and sweet, sem-crisp juicy texture..

Concorde Pear – Pollination

Concorde is self fertile so does need any other varieties to pollinate. It is itself in group ‘B’ so can be used to pollinate any varieties in the same or adjacent groups.


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