American Mother


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American Mother
So called because in the USA it is favoured a culinary apple, there tastes in cooking apples being sweeter than ours. Here it is valued as a dual purpose variety with a fine dessert flavour.

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Recommended for it’s flavour, both dessert or cooking and one of the best for this purpose.

American Mother – Season:

American Mother should be harvested early to mid October and will store until December.

American Mother – appearance:

A handsome deep mahogany flushed apple with a shiny skin and a slight violet bloom. Usually conical in shape.

American Mother apple trees – flavour:

Distinctive, sweet, aromatic, perfumed of balsam, has also been described as having hints of pear drop and vanilla. Sweetens and mellows considerably later.


Excels as a dual purpose apple.

Cropping & Growth

Moderately vigorous and slightly spreading. Yields can be erratic but because it flowers so late is a good variety for frosty areas.

Suitable for all growing methods; bush, cordon, column, fan or espalier training, stepover, miniature tree.

American Mother - Pollination: Pollination group is ‘D’ so choose any varieties in that group to partner.

Here are some suggested varieties:

Annie Elizabeth

Chivers Delight

Court Pendu Plat

Charles Ross

Lord Derby

Orleans Reinette

Tree sizes for American Mother:

M27 is a miniature stock, ideal for very small gardens, pots on the patio etc. Grows to around 180cm’s. Good hearty soil is preferred.

M9 is classed as dwarfing and a good intermiate stock. Matures to 200cm’s plus with a similar spread. M9 is heavy cropping and promotes larger fruits, but needs permanent staking and good soil.

M26 stock Is classed as semi-dwarfing. Does well on poorer soil. Reaches 300cm’s+ with the same spread.

MM106 is vigorous and the best choice for where a larger ‘orchard sized’ tree is required. Grows 4m+ with the same spread and suitable for most soils.

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