5 Red Falstaff fan espalier


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5 Red Falstaff fan espalier
A beautiful apple, densely covered in red, with a firm, juicy texture and good sweet flavour. For use Oct-Dec.

  • Self fertile

  • Frost hardy

  • Disease resistant

  • Very abundant cropper

  • The perfect garden apple


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Espalier or fan trees are used against a wall; you will need not less than 180 x 180cm’s for a fan or espalier tree. Please note we do not supply ready trained trees; this Red Falstaff is a young tree suitable for training yourself, in situ. Such trees usually settle to cropping within 2 or 3 seasons

Red Falstaff is a recent introduction which is a cross of James Grieve x Golden Delicious. One of th very best garden apple trees which has quickly established itself and is now our top-selling variety. It has everything; flavour, appearance, storing qualities, texture, reliability and disease resistance. Oh – and it’s self fertile too!

Red Falstaff Apple tree – Season:

Pick early October, will store until December with little loss of texture.

Red Falstaff - appearance:

A handsome apple, the green-yellow base colour hardly visible beneath a dense covering of vibrant red.

Red Falstaff apple treesflavour:

Braeburn style but better. Dense, crunchy, juicy, sweet but not excessively so. Maintains it’s texture very well.


A dessert apple.

Cropping & Growth

Medium growth, hardy and disease free. Heavy cropper.

Red Falstaff - Pollination: Self fertile so needs no pollinating partners itself. Red Falstaff  is in pollination group ‘B’ so will pollinate varieties in the same or adjacent groups.

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